Archive for November, 2006

Battle for My Living Room

November 27, 2006

After reading Tim's post, I decided I'd jot down my thought process for buying a new console. This probably won't apply to anyone else.

HDTV is a non-issue for me. My 32" Sony Vega tube is not that old, and is probably going to need to last me until the next console generation. I have no desire to jump into the HD vs BD debacle.

Backwards compatibility is a must. Even with my new receiver, I'm short on input spaces. I'd need something that is a direct replacement. The recent news about Sony's serious issues with their emulation software almost surprised me (but not quite…Sony has a recent habit of really screwing up).

Online gaming is somewhat important to me. However, I have no desire to play something like Halo online, unless I get a keyboard and mouse…

And the final issue…where can I play Zelda? Ok, so I'm a Nintendo fanboy. I have probably close to 2 dozen games for the Gamecube (thanks to Gamefly's "keep it" option), and the potential of the Virtual Console means I can rediscover some old classics. I saw Solomon's Key in there…

So, I bought a Wii. Within 10 minutes, my wife and I were laughing and cheering as we did some bowling. It works. It really does. At least for the moment.

And Zelda is a blast. Tim's right to wonder what there is after Zelda's over. I'm thinking maybe some Madden, though I'll rent that first. Besides, at the rate I'm going, I should be finished with Zelda just in time for Burning Crusade to hit.

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Vox Tips & Tricks

November 17, 2006

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